Saturday, April 16, 2011

'silence' from Heaven?

Ps.Dav was preaching from Mat 15:21-28, how the Canaanite woman kept begging Jesus despites His harsh reply, and because of her humble attitude and faith to receive, Jesus granted her wish. How she wasn't offended by Jesus looking at her as having same position as dogs, as it were.

Still she persevered without getting offended, how humble she was before Him?
Firstly, she acknowledged Jesus as Lord, she didn't go around to the paranormals but Jesus, knowing that Jesus IS ABLE to help her, and then... she acknowledged that she didn't deserve what she's begging for, but still she persevered, relying fully on His grace, thinking surely nothing is too big for Jesus, there will still be leftover for the undeserving... 

How are we compared to this woman?
 * Sometimes we think that we need to be perfect in order to get help from God
 * Sometimes we treat God as wish granter, i'm gonna pray and get it coz I deserve it!
 * Sometimes we think of our problem as the biggest thing in the world, we actually forget that God is bigger!  
 * Other times, we pray and hope that God will approve it, otherwise we console ourselves by thinking "So this is not for me after all."

At times when God seems to be silent, for goodness sake, how do you react to it? Do you keep staying in tune with Him, or you walk away from Him? How far are you gonna 'bug' Him in prayers shows much do you want what you're praying for... Look at that Canaanite woman, seemed so desperate, didn't she? How desperate are you for breakthrough, and how faithful are you in worshiping Him at the time of need?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

God is not a genie nor a human pleaser

I was so tired of trying hard and keep not getting it! Do i really have what it takes to be a researcher? I am just mentally tired and Jesus, i really do need rest for my soul, i know i haven't been walking with you as much lately, and i am exhausted of trying on my own, just forgive me and talk to me, please?

@God: I am reaching church in 10 minutes, seeking Your peace and rest for my soul, so do answer me, will you? (as if He's obliged to do so?)
When the musicians play the worship songs, it just came to me that I had been treating God as this Powerful Spirit that can grant all my wish and make my life easier...

Let me ask you now, who is serving who?
 <> Have I really spent time with Him more than just the uttering of my needs? He is not any genie in the lamp or some wish granter lower than human being, so why would He respond to such a selfish wish of yours, lady?
 <> Have you been pleasing to Him at all, or you have gone away from Him to please your own flesh? You know what is going on there~~
Yeah, i know, i am sorry Lord , here i am *guilty*. Will you... take me back, by grace?

Really, all He requires is just me spending some quality time to know more of Him and i have neglected it, again and again. I can understand if He gets frustrated with me, and yet, His love endures forever?

Monday, April 11, 2011

some news to follow at =p

T.D. Jakes in the Hollywood! I love T.D Jakes for his funny jokes and real story and his passion for outreach, but i never knew he is into movie! Wow, a real pastor in Hollywood movie? I am so gonna watch this movie: Jumping the Broom XD

Justin Bieber: Never Say Never  gives me some encouragement to breakthrough of fear of rejections. Sometimes i just don't want to tell how awesome Jesus is, coz i don't want to be thought as a weirdo. Most of the time i don't care but in some cases, i still do care, which is the times when i feel God is so distant, I just can't feel His presence, as if i am going on my own here... and so i was not convicted on His truth and started to seek acceptance from others so then i don't want to speak of which they are not likely to favor. 

I found Adjustment Bureau presenting an interesting issue in the movie, freewill vs destiny. The movie somehow tries to convey the message that man determines his own fate, nothing is fixed... It brings the small tiny point of the theology in there, really.

1. Surely God does know the best plan for each of us because He creates us, but He will not neglect our feelings about things. Falling in love with the wrong person? How do we even know she/he is wrong if we don't give it a try, unless it's obvious that he/she is drawing us away from God. He will let us try it out, until the day He says enough is enough.
2. The guy doesn't know the chairman, least likely that he likes him.
Christians love Jesus because He first loved us. That changes the whole perspective of CHAIRMAN'S PLAN vs HUMAN PLAN. We don't simply give up something for a plan that this stranger sets for us but if we know Him as a Father to us, our love for Him will soften our hearts to trust Him, who makes no mistake, unlike our earthly fathers.

But i like it how he was so desperate that he decided to find the chairman & convince him that he's decided whom he wants to be with, and he sacrificed everything for that, he went all the way for what he thought was true, and so the chairman granted his wish, only after he fought for it with everything he's got =] Sometimes God does do this to teach us to fight and not take things for granted. "Is it kinda a test?" You can say it's sort of it~ But we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose. [Rom 8:28] If you know Jesus, Emmanuel, you'll know this =)