Friday, November 11, 2011

11-11-11 11:11

o, happy day, Happy Day~~, it's 11/11/11 !!! So what, it's just another day dated 11/11/11.
More importantly though, I wonder how it's come to November! What have I done in my year of 2011?
One year left, and i still haven't had any publication... How am I gonna finish my thesis..

Day after day seemed to pass so slowly yet it's already November now.
God.. o God, You're gonna lead me through the next year to publish a thesis, will You not?
Please renew my strength and my joy, to walk and not be faint...
Please keep my heart pure, and remind me each day to see the big picture, be patient and keep working.
that I may stay within Your grace to be the light in this dark tunnel!!

happy 11-11-11 11:11 =D

1 comment:

  1. hahaha... 11-11-11, 11:11...
    i left a message on my friend's wall at that time today... great number...even though it should be 11-11-2011. hahaha...
